Miscellaneous Nix snippets that I'm using in my configs. While I don't have sources for these, many have been found and remixed from the NixOS Discourse and other places online.

Parameterising modules

I have a few simple modules that configure things relating to a desktop user, but that username isn't always the same. Fortunately it's easy to add custom options to cover things like this.

In your module:

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:

with lib;
  # define options (in this case, "common", matching the module name)
  options.common = {
    user = mkOption {
      description = "User to use for desktop services.";
      default = "<USERNAME>";
      type = types.str;

  config = {
    # place your usual module content here
    # config.common.user can now be used here, or in other modules
    # you can also interpolate within a string or attribute,
    # e.g. users.users."${config.common.user}" = { ... };

Include current config in /etc

This is useful to see the config for the currently booted system, in case the configuration has been changed in the mean-time.

environment.etc.nixos-booted.source = ./.;

Pin nixpkgs to the system nixpkgs as a registry override

Prevents a user accidentally pinning an old nixpkgs version in their profile (me):

nix.registry.nixpkgs.to = { type = "path"; path = pkgs.path; };

MPD with user Pipewire for output

This required the addition of the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR for the Pipewire library to find the server socket.

services.mpd = {
  enable = true;
  user = "<USERNAME>";
  musicDirectory = "/path/to/music";
  network.listenAddress = "any";
  extraConfig = ''
    audio_output {
      type "pipewire"
      name "PipeWire"

systemd.services.mpd.environment = {
  XDG_RUNTIME_DIR = "/run/user/1000"; # substitute your user ID if necessary


Here's an example of using systemd timers to switch RGB lights on and off via OpenRGB:

systemd.timers.morning = {
  wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
  partOf = [ "rgb-on.service" ];
  timerConfig = {
    OnCalendar = "07:00";
    Unit = "rgb-on.service";

systemd.timers.evening = {
  wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
  partOf = [ "rgb-off.service" ];
  timerConfig = {
    OnCalendar = "22:30";
    Unit = "rgb-off.service";

systemd.services.rgb-on = {
  serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
  script = ''
    ${pkgs.openrgb}/bin/openrgb -d RAM -m static -c ff0000

systemd.services.rgb-off = {
  serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
  script = ''
    ${pkgs.openrgb}/bin/openrgb -d RAM -m off

Note that you do NOT need to install openrgb separately in your systemPackages, as Nix will build and use the package in the store path directly inside the systemd unit.

It is also possible to use multiple services by adding a target in between. e.g. How do you configure multiple systemd services to use one timer? - Server Fault

Enable TCP connection for Pulseaudio clients in Pipewire

As of recently, Pipewire is no longer configured through nix expressions, but it is still easy to add custom configs:

environment.etc."pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/pipewire-pulse-tcp.conf".text = ''
  context.modules = [
    { name = libpipewire-module-protocol-pulse
      args = {
        server.address = [

Add a noise canceling source to Pipewire

This adds a proxy that you can use to apply noise canceling on your mic source. Note that this only uses processing power when active (e.g. used as an input, or viewed by pavucontrol).

environment.etc."pipewire/pipewire.conf.d/noise-canceling-source.conf".text = ''
  context.modules = [
  {   name = libpipewire-module-filter-chain
      args = {
          node.description =  "Noise Canceling Proxy"
          media.name =  "Noise Canceling source via RNNoise"
          filter.graph = {
              nodes = [
                      type = ladspa
                      name = rnnoise
                      plugin = "${pkgs.rnnoise-plugin}/lib/ladspa/librnnoise_ladspa.so"
                      label = noise_suppressor_stereo
                      control = {
                          "VAD Threshold (%)" = 50.0
                          "VAD Grace Period (ms)" = 200
                          "Retroactive VAD Grace (ms)" = 0
          audio.position = [ "FL", "FR" ]
          capture.props = {
              node.name =  "capture.rnnoise_source"
              node.passive = true
              audio.rate = 48000
          playback.props = {
              node.name =  "rnnoise_source"
              media.class = Audio/Source
              audio.rate = 48000